In Old City


Sometimes in real estate - as we discussed just the other week - things can move sloooooowly. And sometimes in real estate, things can move fast. Today presents us with an instance of the latter, as we made a trek to 208-12 Vine St. on a busy block in Old

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Philadelphia has been homes to many famous bells over the years, from Raja Bell's hard-nosed D to David Bell hitting for the cycle, or perhaps Eagles' founder Bert Bell or singer Patti LaBelle are more your thing. Or, perhaps, you are thinking of the most iconic bell of all, the

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The 200 block of Vine St. has become one of our most traversed blocks over the first part of this year, and not just because of the gorgeous homes at the corner of 2nd & Vine. Our most recent visit was to 208-12 Vine St. due to a zoning permit

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Philly is no stranger to history, having served as a central location for many of the larger events of the Colonial days. One spot where plenty took place was the Tun Tavern, which had an outsized impact during its existence from 1686 to 1781. Originally sitting east of Front St.

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We've said it before, but there is nothing quite like getting out on foot to truly experience the goings on in the city. Even familiar areas can be seen with new eyes when out for a stroll, which is exactly what occurred the other day at 27 N. 3rd St.

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One of our favorite pastimes is to wander the streets, ducking into alleys and narrow lanes to see what we can see. When walking along Chestnut St. in Old City the other day, we glanced down the narrow Bank Ln., where a tall, yellow presence caught our attention.We found ourselves

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Stephen Starr is such a staple in the Philadelphia restaurant revival of the late 1990s and early 2000s, that you may have forgotten that his first venture into the biz was in 1995 at the SE corner of 2nd & Market St., where he opened the Continental. This vibey restaurant/lounge

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2028 may be several years away, but that won't stop us thinking about Penn's Landing Park here in 2024. You've likely heard about it by now, but this 11.5-acre, $400+ million park has been in the works for years, with plans to completely revitalize the unfriendly hardscaping of the woefully

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The more things change, the more things stay the same is something that rings true more and more to us these days, with real estate being no exception. Take for example the bustling, action-packed Vine St. in Old City, where just a month back we took a moment to soak

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When we were visiting the on-the-market Painted Bride the other day, we couldn't help but hint at the crazy amount of action taking place along just one block of Vine St. in Old City. As we peered west from the corner of N. 2nd & Vine, we were struck by

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