In Old City


We have spent plenty of time on Vine St. in Old City recently, as projects are popping up and wrapping up left and right. This has been one of the busier streets in the area, with the Painted Bride serving something of an axis around which everything else spun. Funnily

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Is there any place in Philadelphia that's better than Old City on a sunny day? Maybe, but we'll be doggoned if it's not up near the very top. One part of Old City that doesn't get as much love as the more famous stops towards Independence Hall is the north

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Less than three weeks ago, we made some predictions for the year to come, naming a few neighborhoods where we expect to see development news would be come in hot for the year ahead. Old City was not on this list. But lo and behold, we find ourselves back in

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"Welcome Park is our favorite public space in Philadelphia" said approximately no one ever in the history of our rapidly expanding universe. And yet here we are in the midst of controversy, thanks to a statue, a retracted plan, and an unfortunate communication strategy by the National Parks Service. A

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We were making our way around a lovely but cold Independence National Historical Park the other day, when we were surprised to come across what looked to be a fenced construction site smack dab in the middle of the park near 3rd & Chestnut. As we hopped across the dip

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06-rendering From Cherry 1

Just a few days ago when we visited a recently moved historical building in Old City, we couldn't help but adjust our gaze to the south, where 141-43 N. 4th St. is experiencing an adaptive reuse of its own. This four-story, historically protected structure was built back in the 1780s,

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Well, the three-story building that stood as part of 322-40 Race St., along the 4th St. side, has finally made its move. After standing near the corner of 4th & Race near Old First Church for about 260 years, this structure has been standing lonely for a while now, after

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We may have mentioned it hundreds of times before, but surface parking lots within city limits should go the way of the dinosaur, if you ask us. Some are more egregious than others, while some remain a bit more out of the way. The lot at 5th & Wood, a

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The northern reaches of Old City can feel like a bit of a no-man's land, with the collection of off-ramps, bridges, and major streets keep this portion of the neighborhood somewhat isolated from the rest of the area. However, that has slowly been changing as we've seen more and more

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Old City is undoubtedly one of our favorite neighborhoods in the city, with its scale and charm making it such a desirable place to live and visit. One of our most beloved streets is Quarry St., a Belgian block road that sits between Front St. and 3rd St., almost hidden

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