In South Kensington


It's not secret that Fishtown, East Kensington, and South Kensington have collectively experienced an explosion in development over the last decade plus. And this development boom made sense, for a host of reasons. Rising prices in Northern Liberties pushed buyers and renters to look for less expensive options, but folks

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While we stopped to admire all of the dirt now moving at a long-stalled project in South Kensington, we noticed even more nearby. Gazing across the ever-changing Cecil B. Moore Ave., we could see 1649 N. 5th St. starting to peek over a construction fence in the distance.First, let's take

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You'd be forgiven if you forgot about the big plans for the former pallet palace at 1700 Germantown Ave., on the triangular parcel bounded by 5th St. to the west, Germantown Ave. to the northeast, and Cecil B. Moore Ave. to the south. A multi-building project was pitched for the

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It is pretty incredible how often we literally will run into a project while exploring something close by. At 1700 N. Howard St. in South Kensington, that was exactly the case the other day, when we were drawn to the neon orange glow of construction barriers. This is a very

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A boundless imagination is a surprisingly key factor when envisioning the future of a property. For example, at 1321-25 N. 5th St. in the booming South Kensington neighborhood, you would be forgiven if you didn't see a space oozing with potential. Currently a 32-unit apartment building called the Sponge Factory

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As we were making our way around a recent site visit to check out a new mixed-use building, we couldn't help but notice a stark brick silhouette at 1350 N. Front St., beyond the famous (and restored) Kurt Vile mural that sits by the El tracks. The red orange brick

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You'd be forgiven if you're not intimately familiar with the property at 1832-46 Germantown Ave. in South Kensington. This property has long been a collection of empty lots on a stretch of Germantown that dead-ends into Berks St. immediately to the north. We actually visited a property close by that

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Historical preservation is often a tricky subject, as so much of it lies in the eye of the beholder. Is the building itself beautiful enough to keep around? Is the history of what took place on-site worthy of memorialization in physical form? Does the building even look like it used

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"Show us a scrapyard and we will show you an opportunity" is one of our favorite sayings, always striking a chord with us with its concise and inherent truth. OK, so this is clearly not a saying, but at the NW corner of N. American & Berks, it could be!

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While we were trekking around South Kensington to check on a new brewery/residence, we were floored by the amount of construction happening all around. Even though we are in the area often and seek out construction sites, this little pocket has so much in progress it can be difficult to

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