In Point Breeze

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We've been banging the drum for many years that Washington Avenue west of Broad should make the transition from light industrial to mixed-use, and we've slowly seen progress on that front. Over the last several years, more than 600 units have appeared on Washington Ave. between Broad Street and Grays

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The SE corner of 16th & Washington is one that can get lost in the shuffle amongst all the nearby development. Currently on this property are a pair of one-story, brick buildings without much charm, save for the slight step-ups above the garage doors. But according to some preliminary plans,

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Just across the street from a Pep Boys that we speculated about this summer sits 1200 S. Broad St., a funky Mid-Century Modern design at the corner of Broad & Federal, just inside the Point Breeze border. Currently home to People Employing People, an education and job support service for

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While we don't have to tell you about the rush of development happening on the western side of Washington Ave., we hadn't visited the corner of 24th & Alter St. since almost exactly seven years ago, when a row of homes was going up on the south side of the

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You may recall, 1701 Federal St. was once home to a convenience store, which made its home in a two-story red-brick building. The store closed its doors years ago and the building sat vacant until its demolition in early 2020. At the time, we noted that the same developers that

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Almost exactly a year ago, we told you about a plan for a new mixed-use building at the northwest corner of 17th & Federal. About a year before that, we told you that the building at the site was being demoed, and we were delighted because the two-story commercial building

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Back in early 2019, we drew your attention to a new foundation on 20th Street, just north of Snyder Avenue. We noted that 2031 S. 20th St. had been sitting vacant for quite some time, and were stoked to see a foundation awaiting a new four-story building. That project entailed

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About fifteen years ago, we had the misfortune of having our car stolen off the street in the Logan Square neighborhood. That car, a 1991 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera, was truly a piece of junk, and before it was stolen we often made the joke that it was such a lousy

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You'll be forgiven if you've never visited the 1400 block of S. Taylor Street - or any block of Taylor Street, for that matter. For the uninitiated, Taylor is a north-south street which runs between 24th and 25th Streets, disappearing and reappearing with little rhyme or reason. It runs continuously

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A couple weeks back, we shared the unfortunate news that the True Gospel Tabernacle Family Church would be vacating their longtime home at 1900 S. 16th St., following in the footsteps of countless South Philly congregations in recent years. That being said, this news was tempered by the encouraging caveat

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