As things start to level off at the former Wilkie dealerships at 600 N Broad St. (full story coming later this week), we’ve spotted some action at the former Wilkie Auto Body at 449 N. Broad St., a structure that’s been empty for a few years now. We passed by last week and snapped a couple of photos of an impressive demolition effort.

A few months back

Lots of steel

A closer look

This is very exciting news for this stretch of North Broad St., which is seeing a tremendous resurgence in recent years. The aforementioned project at 600 N. Broad St., Lofts 640 (featuring Osteria on the first floor), the PA Ballet moving to a location a block to the south, and two large Tower projects at the State Building and the Inquirer Building are several of the exciting new developments in the area.

This construction will result in something a little less exciting than the projects we just referenced. According to the zoning application from earlier this year, a renal dialysis care center is set to take over this location. The center will have parking for fifteen cars and will be open 24 hours a day. With Hahnemann University Hospital just two blocks to the south, this medical use is certainly appropriate for the neighborhood, and the open-all-night nature of the center should add to the safety of the area.

Yup, things keep movin’ right along in this area.