We got a tip from a reader about some construction activity on Federal St., and we found crews working at two different sites.

2027 Federal

At 2027 Federal St., workers recently started framing what will soon be a three story house. The developer, Harte Investments, built 2029 Federal St., the house next door, and sold it in August for over $300K after only about three months on the market. We imagine that the house currently under construction will resemble its sister house next door and will be listed at around the same price.

It's like looking into the future

Also interesting is the house being constructed at 2045 Federal St. down the block. Blue Square Inc. of Huntington Valley seems to have mostly completed exterior work and is currently working on the inside of this building, which looks like it might be a better fit in Fishtown or Northern Liberties than Point Breeze. On the other hand, it doesn’t have fiberglass awnings, which we certainly endorse.

Looks like a spaceship

Call us crazy, but we wish they would have stuck with the colors of the house that used to stand here.

Eh.... maybe not

With vacant lots and fiberglass awnings disappearing and new coffee shop still on the horizon for the corner of 20th St., it seems that things are really moving the right direction for this block.