A reader tipped us off that a house we covered back in the fall was nearing completion at 1116 S. 19th St., just a half a block south of Washington Avenue. Take a look at the progress here over time.

In the past

In the fall

Just the other day

Closer look

This new home has a unique look for the neighborhood, and is now one of several newly built/rehabbed homes in a row on this stretch of 19th St., less than two blocks away from the still shiny and new American Sardine Bar. The construction of 1116 S. 19th St. has been problematic, and the builder and the next door neighbors are currently in litigation. Let’s hope this gets resolved very soon, and new residents are moving into this home in the near future.

Meanwhile, just around the corner…

Looking west on Alter St.

You may remember, we told you about a month ago about five new homes going up on the 1900 block of Alter Street. As you can see, looking down the street, framing has begun for this project, with two of the homes going up so far.

Yup, it’s more good news for the northern edge of Point Breeze.