Last week, the owners of this property presented to the ZBA, requesting a variance to build an addition to the building, and to construct three apartments and an interior parking space. From what we understand, neighborhood groups Newbold Neighbors and South Broad St. Neighbors Association opposed this project, writing a letter to the ZBA. The letter expressed opposition for three apartments, but implied that two apartments could be an acceptable compromise.

The overgrown rear of the property

This place looks like it’s probably in tough shape inside

According to the ZBA, the record is remaining open on the case for thirty days while the developer produces new plans. The ZBA has requested that the developer eliminate the living space in the basement. Whether that will mean a reduction from three units to two units is, at this point, anyone’s guess. Hopefully, the neighborhood and the developer will come to a mutually agreeable compromise- the sooner this building can be fixed up, the better.