Amazingly, today we find ourselves once again telling you about development on the 500 block of Washington Avenue, a block we’ve visited a surprising number of times in the past year. Along with numerous one-off construction projects, we’ve told you about new construction that includes a dentist office at the corner of 6th & Washington, and also about a rather tall four story building with an elevator on the other side of the block. Now, 539 Washington Ave., an existing building, will be torn down, and replaced with a taller building. We’ve already seen this happen a couple of times on the northern side of this block.

Orange sign

According to the zoning application, this (not so nice) row home will be demolished, and a four story mixed-use building will rise in its place. There will be a commercial space on the first floor, an apartment on the second floor, and a bi-level apartment on the 3rd and 4th floors.

If you look down the block, you’ll see other recent examples of new, four-story, mixed-use construction.

Two doors down

Similar design a few more doors down

To the east, something different. In the distance, you can see the new elevator building

Considering the width of Washington Avenue, these four story structures are a no-brainer. Hopefully, this trend will continue, and residential density will increase on this street that can clearly handle it. Hey, could we maybe get some of this action on Washington Avenue, west of Broad? Just wondering…