A reader tipped us off about some new construction on the 100 block of Pierce St., and we discovered two other noteworthy subjects when we trekked down there.

There’s a zoning application at 150 Pierce St. that indicates plans for a new single family home that’s replacing a two story building that previously occupied that lot. We imagine the next door neighbors will be happy to see this home get built.

Tarp has to go

Meanwhile, at 122 Pierce St., a new single family home is well on its way, with framing complete and work progressing. Developer Emerald Properties purchased the lot for $57K about a year ago, and the three story home looks like it’s a few months away from completion. Architecturally, this home should be pretty unique for this block in terms of height and shape. This home was, by the way, the new construction that our reader tipped us off about.

Looking east

Now looking west

Speaking of unique homes, we saw this across the street from the construction at 122 Pierce St.


This 6000+ sqft mansion kind of blends right in with its surroundings, right?

Built in the last decade, this home is a little jarring on a block with mostly two story homes. But you’ve got to admit, it’s certainly not the sort of place you see every day in South Philly.