After a brief jaunt down to Pennsport to check out the future site of Moyamensing Estates, we passed by Dickinson Square Park and saw that the long-planned park renovation had finally begun. The chain link fence has been erected around the perimeter of the park and some heavy duty construction machinery in the middle of the park. This lovely three acre park, named after the former Pennsylvania governor, John Dickinson, is nestled in the heart of Pennsport between Tasker and Morris Sts., and E Moyamensing Ave. and 4th St., and has been around since 1900. According to the park’s history website, the site sits on the land of the former Pascal Iron Works, a manufacturer of stoves, grates, and machine parts for sugar refineries.

View of the park from 4th and Dickinson Sts.

From E Moyamensing Ave.

Closer look

Thanks to the funds secured ($900k!), the park should be completely renovated by the time summer rolls around.  The master plan (which can be seen here), shows lots of newly added paved walkways, benches, bike racks, lights, trash cans, with a new playground and basketball court.

Site plan for the renovated park

The dead/sickly trees will be removed and replaced; tons of new shrubbery will be planted, including Prunus laurocerasus – Cherry Laurel for the handful of you who are not botanists. The familiar pointy red building in the center of the park will be razed for “better sight lines” and to create more grassy areas.

Dickinson Square Park is very well-maintained, thanks to the volunteers that make up Friends of Dickinson Square Park, who gather every Saturday to clean up the park.  Every Sunday during the summer, a farmers market is held at the corner of Moyamensing & Morris. Other times you may find a flea market, a concert, or a movie playing there, and you will always find families, children, and dogs just hanging out at the park. We’re hoping Mother Nature won’t be too harsh on Philly this winter so that construction can go smoothly. Before we know it, our park lounging days will be back again.