It’s always worth noting when a new building goes up in Old City, since new doesn’t seem to jive with the name of the neighborhood. In this case, a building will be springing up at 14 S. 3rd St., filling an empty lot that measures 1840 sqft. A very desirable location, this has not been an empty lot for very long. A building at this address, built in 1894, received historic designation in 1977, but a fire in 2004 resulted in its demolition.

The old building is all the way on the right. Photo from 1972, from

Owner Binyan 14 S 3rd LLC is proposing a five story building with commercial use on the first floor and four residential units above. The building that they proposed last month to the Historical Commission was met with denial, but it appears that there have been some changes to the design to make it better fit into the context of the neighborhood. The owners went to Zoning this week, but we don’t know the outcome of the hearing. We’ll be sure to update as we find out. What follows are two renderings from the building’s architects, Harman Deutsch.

Don't know about you, but we could really go for some shirts and suits right about now.