Today, we discovered a new South Street West business that apparently opened last week.

Nice signs

If you can’t read the numerous signs, it’s a new pharmacy! Located at 1735 South St., this new pharmacy desperately fills a need in the neighborhood.

Oh, wait.

Actually, this is probably the most unnecessary new retail addition that anyone in the neighborhood could have ever imagined. Impressively, it’s even more redundant than the pharmacy that opened up last month, just across the street.

Pharmacy on the corner

Across from Walgreens

Oh, and the hospital across the street has a pharmacy, too!

That’s right. One corner. four pharmacies. Fighting together IN THE STEEL CAGE! Who will survive? For the record, at least the newest pharmacy’s windows aren’t permanently etched with graffiti.

And to think, this corner used to have just one pharmacy. Which is now a coffee shop.

Well, hello Lombard Apothecary!

Call us selfish, but here’s hoping that, a few years from now, we don’t end up with four coffee shops on this corner…

Full disclosure: OCF Coffee House is owned by OCF Realty, parent company of Naked Philly.

Just to clarify: We have no beef with any of the proprietors of these establishments and hope that they all find success. We’re just bummed about the lack of economic diversity on the block. South Street West could use it.