On Thursday, a reader gave us the heads up about a mural either being repaired or removed at 1419-23 Christian St., a vacant lot owned by the nearby Ebenezer Seventh Day Adventist Church. With no homes on the eastern side of this lot, this mural was clearly seen by everyone traveling west on Christian Street. And not for nothing, it was a pretty interesting, attractive mural.

In the past

On Thursday

Yesterday, in the late afternoon, we had a chance to swing by, and it doesn’t look too good for this mural. It doesn’t look too good at all.

Totally gone

We’ve seen examples of a mural being repaired by being totally covered over in the past, but we’re not sure that this is what’s happening here. It’s worth noting that the Ebenezer church went before SOSNA and then the ZBA to legalize this lot as a parking lot for the church earlier this year. They were given approval for this project, with provisos to add planters on the eastern side of the lot. Could the legalization of this parking lot have something to do with the elimination of the mural? Could the “stucco canvas” have been deteriorating, meaning danger for cars parked in the lot?

Hopefully, this mural will reappear in the near future. We’re not, however, feeling too confident about it.