We’ve heard a couple of different rumblings about businesses on the 1500 block of South St. in recent days, and thought we would pass ’em along.

According to Foobooz, Tritone is on the outs. After significant renovations, the folks from Hawthorne’s in Bella Vista will be taking over the space, introducing higher end food and beer and eliminating the live music. Definitely a shame for the neighborhood to lose a music venue on South St. On the other hand… we’re expecting brunch. We like brunch.

Tritone for now

Cafe L’Aube, located at 1512 South St., has closed. Their other location, at 17th and Wallace Sts., will apparently remain. No word on what will replace it in the South St. space.

Next door, on 1514-1516 South St., we’ve seen signs for a new business in the former kitchen share space for Rex Fifteen Sixteen. We have no idea what this is, but are guessing a restaurant is on the way.

Former L'Aube, future Rex Fifteen Sixteen

At Bloktoberfest, we sampled some tasty flatbread from Quick Fixx, the takeout place in the works for 1511 South St. We’ve been waiting for awhile for this place to open up, and according to the folks working the table at Bloktoberfest, they’re only a few months away.

Future Quick Fixx

The 1500 block of South St. is one of the more active commercial blocks of South St. West. Wondering what’s holding it back from being even more exciting? Look no further than the Royal Theater and our good friend Kenny Gamble from Universal Companies.

Royal in the distance. Vacant lots on either side and across the street

See, if you sit on an enormous, historic building for ten years and barely do enough to keep it from falling down, AND you sit on three enormous vacant lots for even longer than that, you’re probably not doing any favors for the other businesses on the block. Or the surrounding neighborhood.

Sure, this block is seeing some exciting new developments, but… little help, Kenny?