Back in November, we told you about 1612-16 South St., three lots with 51′ of frontage on South St. that have been vacant for years and had recently been put on the market. While this block has certainly experienced growth in recent years, we imagine this vacant eyesore has depressed the area somewhat, making it less attractive to potential businesses.

The lots

Recently, this property was put under contract and we understand that construction should commence at the site at some point in 2012. The developer (represented by OCF Realty) intends to build four-story, mixed-use buildings on these lots, with commercial on the first floor, and residential units on the three floors above. The layout of the new development is still fluid, but the plan is for either three separate commercial spaces and nine 2-bedroom apartments OR one large commercial space, and fourteen 1-bedroom apartments. The layout will depend largely on commercial tenant interest and community preference.

Anyone have any ideas for what kinds of businesses they would like to see in this space?

It’s a wonderful thing for South Street West that, in the very near future, these lots will no longer hold back the block or the commercial corridor. Looking a block to the east, the businesses on the 1500 block can only hope that the owner of the three large, vacant parcels that are likewise holding back their block, will at some point soon consider selling those lots. And maybe, you know, restoring or selling the Royal Theater, to boot.

1520-22 South St.

1536 South St.

1521-23 South St.

Full disclosure: OCF Realty is the parent company of Naked Philly.