A reader tipped us off about a newly poured foundation at 1732 Kater St., just a block away from South Street West’s Pharmacy Row. This address has been long-vacant, likely due to the fact that the lot has a totally strange shape that makes row home building conventions pretty much impossible to follow. Kind of makes you wonder how this lot came to exist in the first place, right?

So strange

The lot was purchased by Kater Development LLC in 2009 for $95K; this company most recently built a couple of homes on the 1000 block of S. Fairhill St. in Queen Village. We’ll be interested to see what they’re able to do on Kater St. If the foundation is any indication, it will have a small footprint and look unlike any other home in the neighborhood.


And rather far out of the ground, too.

From what we can find, this project has not gone to the ZBA. Surprising, since we can’t imagine it’s conforming. It went before SOSNA almost two years ago, but was continued.

We’ll try to get some more information on this project, and will provide an update soon.