A common element in Philadelphia row house architecture is the bay window, the often rectangular butt-out from the front of homes, adding more space and light to interior rooms. Though these arguments likely occurred a hundred years ago as well, the explosion of home construction and renovation in the last ten years has sparked a (sometimes aggressive) conversation regarding the aesthetics of bay windows, particularly about those with a stucco finish. Many people are clearly alright with this look, as the houses and condo units keep on selling. Others lament the lack of creativity or character in stucco bays, preferring classic-looking bays or more creative materials and designs. And then there are those that believe that bay windows are non-conforming and shouldn’t be allowed at all.

We snapped photos of different bay windows around the Graduate Hospital neighborhood. Good readers, what do you like?



#3: Vinyl!

#4: Nice balcony above


#6: Is that hardwood flooring?


#8: You can't really tell from the photo, but it's 1"x1" tile

#9: Triple windows!

#10: Shiny


#12: Copper

#13: First floor bays





#18: Looks like the terminator

#19: Lots of stucco bays together

#20: Whoa!!!!