We snuck up to grab a slice of Charlie Mayfer from Pizza Brain the other day, and a Frankford Avenue property we’ve passed by dozens of times caught our eye whilst on our way. Once we finished devouring the deliciousness, we trekked back to 1431-35 Frankford Ave. to take a look-see.

A beaut

The property has been vacant for at least the last couple of years, and probably longer. We took a peek at the sale records, and determined that it was previously a hot dog/sandwich place in the 1990s, and a breakfast/luncheonette in the early part of the 2000s. It was purchased by Old Towne Properties Inc back in 2005, and was put back on the market in 2009 for $125K. It’s been on and off the market over the last couple of years, but its currently actively listed for sale at the same price. The owners apparently stopped paying property taxes when they first put it on the market, and are delinquent to the tune of $5,000.

Closer look

For lease, too. And it's a money maker! Just not for the City of Philadelphia.

What would neighbors like to see in this location? A little drive-in luncheonette? A seasonal ice cream shop? Or would people prefer to see the existing building torn down and for a new structure to get built at this site with commercial on the first floor and residential units above? Considering the residential development in all directions and all the new businesses coming to Frankford Ave., we could certainly wrap our minds around this kind of use.

Hopefully, something will happen here soon, and it won’t remain a vacant little building with a parking lot out front for much longer. Fingers crossed.