Okay, so we’re a little behind on this news.

The 7-11 at Front & Girard opened just before New Years. We gave you the heads up about in October, back when the former KFC still looked like it had barely survived a fire. We took a peek inside and it seemed spacious, clean, and staffed with friendly people (though not friendly enough to allow us to take interior photos). If you’re simply dying to see some shots of the inside, someone on Philadelphia Speaks snapped a bunch of photos and shared them with the world.

Here’s a look again at what the building looked like just a couple of months ago:


And now a look from a couple of days ago:


In the shadow of the Deal$

As several commenters have noted, this should officially put the less-than-beloved Trax across the street on notice. If they start selling imitation Slurpees, you’ll know they’re starting to get desperate.