At the corner of 9th and Bainbridge Streets, just a few steps away from Chapterhouse, construction on two homes is moving along nicely. The home on the corner was a source of controversy when it was initially proposed, as it was to cover the “Autumn” mural, by David Guinn. Now, as you can see, the mural is gone for good.

In the past


Meanwhile, just to the east, a home has been framed out where a chain link fence formerly enclosed a vacant lot. According to some comments from when we originally told you about this development, this fence grew morning glories every summer, making it more important to some neighbors than you might have otherwise expected. Like the mural, the fence is no more.

Also in the past

Current view, from a little bit of a distance

Neither property is publicly listed for sale- has anyone in the neighborhood heard about potential prices and buyers?