942-44 Carpenter St. is a fairly desirable parcel. The 32’x70′ (though maybe not exactly those dimensions, according to an old listing) would seem like the ideal location for a couple of new construction homes, even though the coffee shop immediately next door seems to open and go out of business every six months. However, two garages have been here for decades.

The property

Signs advertising its availability have been present on this building for a couple of years, and in 2010, GR Properties Management LLC purchased the building for $184K. There’s still a sign there, but this one is promoting the space for lease, at a rate of $1,500/month. Maybe if they want to find a tenant they’ll bother putting doors on the second garage, no? As far as we can tell, the terrible looking building has been vacant for at least a couple of years.

Mural on the side of the building

Considering the proximity to Bardascino Park, the Italian Market, and all the other good stuff in Bella Vista, this location is a no-brainer for redevelopment. Does anyone who lives in the area have any insight into why nothing seems to be happening here? Does anyone know why the new owners have maintained their property so poorly since they purchased it? Does anyone want to take bets on the expected life span of the new business that’s started to do work in the commercial space next door?