In Philadelphia

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Like we told you a few months back, Washington Avenue is getting repaved in 2021. This is rather monumental, since the last paving will be legally able to buy cigarettes and lottery tickets when this repaving occurs, which is to say that Washington Avenue will be getting paved for the

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Washington Avenue is many things to many people. For contractors, it's a centrally located hub where they can pick up building materials and illegally park in the median with relatively little fear of getting a ticket. For the building supply companies that sell stuff to those contractors, it's a wide

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Christmas is over and New Years has come and gone- it's 2020 in Philadelphia! Let's make some predictions for the coming year, shall we? We've been spending a lot of time meditating and thinking prognosticating thoughts, so hopefully we can do better than our middling performance in 2019. Here we go...January:

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Nostradamus had the right idea, living in the 16th century and making predictions many years into the future. In giving himself that kind of lead time, it afforded him a certain flexibility that we simply don't exactly have when we make annual predictions for happenings in the sports and real estate

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Overhead Wappinger

Okay, we know the Hudson River Valley isn't in Philadelphia. But last night, we saw a series of tweets from @lindsaykap about a listing in Wappingers Falls, New York, and we feel compelled to pass it along to the universe. On its face, the $2.8M listing for 126 Old Hopewell Rd. looks like a fairly

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The ball has dropped, the fireworks have exploded in the foggy distance, and your hangover is almost definitely gone. You walked into the office today and it's a full house for the first time in weeks. And your co-workers are ready to... get to work? Wow, this feels weird. Yes folks, the holiday

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We like to start every year by making a series of predictions about what's to come in Philadelphia real estate, development, and sports. As we're now at the end of 2018, it seems worthwhile to look back and see just how well we were able to predict the future. Please remember,

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Last year, the Philadelphia Housing Authority decided to sell off a few dozen scattered site properties that they didn't have the funding to rehabilitate, hiring Barry Slosberg Auctioneers to facilitate the sales. We attended that auction, and even bought one of the properties on the list. We'd estimate that a

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Summer Fireworks

We're back, after a wonderful yet frigid New Years holiday. And as is typically our custom, we're kicking off 2018 with some predictions for the year to come. Will we prove successful as prognosticators? If we are, you can count on hearing about it about a year from now. If not, you

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If you want to develop a large project in Philadelphia, the zoning code compels you to go through the Civic Design Review process. Your architect has to assemble a packet that can run dozens of pages in length, with floor plans, renderings, elevations drawings, stormwater management plans, a complete streets guide,

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