A three-story structure is being constructed on a formerly vacant but groomed grass lot across the street from Clark Park and the University of the Sciences (USP) at the southwestern corner of the intersection of 45th Street and Woodland Avenue, right next to a landscaped green space on the corner.

Framed out

Plumbers were working on the site at 1256 S. 45th St. as we checked it out last week, and electric work has also begun. According to the permit, issued April 4, the 4,000 (!) sqft structure is slated to be a two-family dwelling with a cellar when work is completed by general contractor JMC Realty, a local group.

It seems, according to the OPA, John Cassidy, has owned the parcel since 1997. Mr. Cassidy also owns numerous other properties on the block.

If the home is anything like the ones down the block, which appear to be new construction, new, as in, within the past year or two, the home will be a standard brick front. It seems like a foregone conclusion that this new building will be lacking the charm of the Queen Anne Victorians found throughout West Philly, specifically, on the streets surrounding Clark Park, like Springfield and Chester Avenues.

Park across the street

For whoever lives here, they’ll have a tiny park next-door and a much bigger one across the street. Regrettably, this project seems it could be another case of quick construction with an eye toward generating rental income for a landlord, while overlooking potential aesthetic architectural opportunities in a part of town recognized for such.

But so it goes, right? Sigh.

–Lou Mancinelli