Just two blocks from the South Gateway project that we mentioned last week, developer Tejas Properties 2 LLC is proposing a much smaller residence for Temple students. On a block with several properties with similar density, these developers intend to construct a four-story, seventeen unit building at 1431 N 15th St., on a currently empty lot.

The lot

Looking down 15th St.

What we don’t know at this time is what this new building will look like. Will it take on the look of most of the (generally unexciting) new construction in the area? Will it take on a more contemporary look, like the Modules at Templetown, the ISA-designed student housing down the street? Or will it take its cues from any of the numerous older residences in the area, like the gorgeous building immediately to the north?

Modules at Templetown, just down the street

The amazing building next door. The details on the fourth floor are wonderful

Only time will tell what these developers will do in terms of aesthetics, but we confess we’re gonna assume it will to be something that trends toward underwhelming. Hopefully, it won’t block out views from the street of the residential building next door, which seems likely to remain the gem of this particular block in the years to come.