About two years ago, we passed along the info that Amz Development was planning on putting ten apartments and eight parking spaces at the corner of 15th & Master. At the time, we were careful to inform you that the developers only owned the corner lot, and the Redevelopment Authority owned the larger parcel immediately to the north. Still, with a lot that measures over 4,000 sqft, we could appreciate how they would fit ten apartments on the lot. The parking, on the other hand, was a mystery.

In the past

Current view

As you can see in the (slightly blurry) photo above, the project is finally underway. And the PRA lot next door remains vacant. We still can't quite figure out how parking will be accounted for here. We likewise are a little confused about the height of the building. It just looks a little short, especially compared to some other buildings up the block.

Looking up 15th Street. Modules at Templetown can be seen on the right.

Across the street is another vacant lot that should be redeveloped soon. Campus Park West LLC spent over half a million dollars to buy this parcel, which measures over 10,000 sqft. Plans have apparently been approved for twenty-one new apartments here, in the form of seven duplexes.

The lot across the street will be developed next

Somehow, despite the seemingly unending run of new construction in this area, new projects continue to crop up. This is probably due to the fact that there was so much vacant land here and there's still more to go. We can imagine the vacant lot supply drying up in the years to come, but there will still be plenty of projects to cover before that fateful day arrives.