If you happen upon 1624 S. 2nd St., you’ll see a little empty lot among a number of fairly well maintained, three story homes. This lot seems to be used as a little garden, and at the very least is one of the more innocuous patches of vacant land we’ve seen lately. As the zoning notice we photographed here indicates, however, this won’t be a vacant lot for long.

Recent shot

Looking south

According to said zoning application, this lot, which measures a bigger than we thought 16′ by 75′, will soon become a duplex. The owners of the property, Joseph and Rose Vaccone, purchased it last summer for $55K and went to the ZBA a couple of weeks ago. The Vaccones, who own several other rental properties in the immediate area, including the houses immediately next door, also purchased two other lots around the corner at the same time that they bought the lot on two street. We kind of wished we realized this at the time we went down to snap the photos above.

The owners went to the ZBA six months ago for these lots, 205-207 Mountain St., also for duplexes. Does anybody know if construction has started yet?

Mountain Street lots, from Google Maps