We got an email from a reader recently, asking about the stalled construction at the corner of Poplar and New Market Sts., in the shadow of I-95.

From New Market St.

From Poplar St.

Closeup of first floor facade

From what we understand, work stopped over a month ago, and the exteriors of the new buildings look a little worse for the wear. The plywood looks like it’s stained by moisture, and the stone on the first floor is jacked up in a couple of places. When these homes are finished, they’ll look like this, according to the website for architects Fishtank PHL:

Rendering of completed project. A little low res, sorry.

According to a reliable source, the holdup in construction has to do with a problem with the original contractors. New contractors are currently being selected, and work should resume once that happens. Figure on a couple of weeks.