Though Northern Liberties has experienced a tremendous amount of growth and development over the last decade plus, numerous lots and buildings remain that are underutilized and occasionally blighted. Case in point, 1120 N 3rd St., a one-story garage-front building that once held an HVAC contractor’s office, and the poorly fenced off, long demoed building next door. Immediately to the south is a very large residential building, constructed in the past few years. Directly across the street, a series of (also quite large) contemporary homes.

Garage and fence

Buildings to the south

Across the street

According to a zoning application, set to be heard next week, two (and possibly three, it’s a little confusing) homes are proposed for this location. The homes will be four stories tall, and will rise nearly 45′ in the air. That’s pretty tall for a standard row home, but would fit right in with the taller residential structures in the area. Also interesting, the homes, as proposed, will each have two-car garages.

And if this planned construction isn’t enough to whet your development appetite on this fine morning, there’s another home under construction just up the street. Take a look at 1132 N 3rd St., already in progress.

We weren't kidding

Yup, those underutilized buildings and vacant lots in NoLibs are getting tougher and tougher to find.