During the winter of 2012, three homes replaced vacant lots on the 2000 block of E. Susquehanna. Built by US Construction, the homes are all owned by different investors and offered as rentals. Often with projects like this, the homes are rented for a few years then offered for sale, but we couldn’t tell you if that’s what’ll happen here.

Anyway, we were on this block a little while back and noticed that another vacant lot next to the three now-completed homes was being overtaken by yet another home. Based on the architecture and the property owner, we suspect it’s also a US Construction project. Check it out.

Under construction

Closer look

It’s true that nobody is going to be blown away by the designs of these homes, especially in a neighborhood with some of the more interesting-looking new construction in town. Be that as it may, it’s good news in our book to see these vacant lots being redeveloped- it certainly looks better than it did a couple of years ago.

In the past

We’ve told you about plenty of projects in East Kensington over the last couple of years, but not so many have risen so close to the El. Hopefully, this means that additional vacant land nearby could be filled in soon, and maybe just maybe some of those blighted buildings on Front Street could get some new love in the near future. Though that last step might take a few years, it’s looking a lot more likely than it did just a few years ago.