Way back in 2011, we told you that a row of five homes were being demolished on 15th Street, just north of Christian Street. Based on the ownership records of those properties, we joked around and speculated that music legend and Universal Companies founder Kenny Gamble would be building himself a mansion here. In February of 2012, our unfounded theory unexpectedly came true when Gamble's representatives presented plans to SOSNA for a triple-wide home on the northern three parcels. It took until last October for groundbreaking, and then a hole unfortunately was all we saw here for several months. Somewhat recently, construction finally began here in earnest.

A few years back

Current view

From the south, a little blurry

It's kind of hard to get a feel for this home's bulk because of its massing. You can see, it's pretty much up to the sidewalk at the corner, but a series of setbacks from Webster and 15th Streets will give it a very unusual look. On the plus side, it will have the nicest side yard we've ever seen, with a bunch of trees and tons of porous pavers. Check out the site plan, culled from the Zoning Archive. Note that the property will be fenced-in on all sides.

Site plan from Kramer Marks

You could, we suppose, make the argument that the homes that were here previously were perfectly fine and that a huge house that spans three lots is a little over the top. We would opine instead that this structure will instantly stand out as one of the more interesting in a neighborhood that's full of boring homes. So we welcome the new addition. We are, though, a little curious as to why the two southern homes had to be demolished as part of this project. Will another smaller mansion rise here? Or will two new row homes, not unlike the old ones, appear instead? We shall see.