Busy last week?
On vacation?
No sweat. Here’s a look at our top four stories from last week, in case you missed ’em.
1) Toll Bros. Presents 2400 South St. to an Unimpressed SOSNA – Toll Bros. wants to build a massive new development in the Graduate Hospital neighborhood, with 125 residential units. The neighborhood group wants commercial space, better interaction with the street, and improved architecture. What will happen?!?
2) AAA Building is Growing Up – PMC Property Group is turning a dumpy looking building on Market St. into 284 rental apartment units, adding eight stories and hopefully recruiting some exciting first-floor commercial tenants.
3) BetterBlocks Philly is Making a Few Blocks Better – A local partnership recently completed a pilot program of traffic-calming exhibitions in the Graduate Hospital neighborhood. With various street-scape improvements, this program aimed to make residents and visitors more aware of “Complete Street” concepts.
4) Renderings for Buildings Coming to Former St. Clare’s Monastery – While the old, beautiful buildings at W. Girard & Corinthian Aves. have come down, the developer will be constructing new buildings that will fit in with the character of the neighborhood, and will be reusing the facade of the monastery.