The 2000 block of Gerritt Street has been in terrible shape for more than a decade, with vacant lots nearly outnumbering the homes on the block. Immediately to the south, the 2000 block of Wilder Street has held up much better, which is a weird thing when you consider that this block has nearly a dozen vacant lots. Still, the eyeball test gives you the sense that it's a mostly intact block.

Looking east on the 2000 block of Wilder Street

With new homes under construction at 2011 and 2013 Wilder St., this mostly intact block has lost two of its vacant lots. In the past these lots were especially overgrown, so this is clearly a step in a positive direction for the block. You can see that these new homes, like every other new construction market-rate home in the neighborhood, are rising three stories. Some would say that this is unfortunate, as the homes don't fit in with the rest of the block, what do you think?

Near 20th Street, two homes under construction

Around the corner, another home is under construction on the southeast corner of 20th & Wilder. This parcel has also been sitting vacant for who knows how long.

New home on the SE corner of 20th & Wilder

So it's good news for Wilder Street today, as three formerly vacant lots are on the outs. As for the 2000 block of Gerritt Street mentioned earlier, you may recall we previously told you about plans for nine new homes on this block which we don't believe are under construction just yet. One would have to imagine that the other vacant lots on Gerritt and Wilder Street will soon get redeveloped as well.