A reader reached out to us the other day, having unexpectedly discovered some zoning notices on the 700 block of Daly Street. We had never visited this block before, though we covered an Acme turned thrift shop turned laundromat around the corner at 8th & Wolf a couple years ago.

Laundromat on Wolf Street

Behind this building is the 700 block of Daly Street, a fairly standard South Philly block with a little more vacancy than we'd have expected. The north side of the street is mostly filled in, though there are a handful of double-wide vacant lots to be found. The south side of the block worse, with a mix of vacant lots and a fenced-in surface parking lot. It's two of the vacant lots on the south side, 728 and 730 Daly St., that have the zoning notices.

Looking east on Daly Street

Zoning notice

These lots are pretty small, with one measuring 14'x50' and the other clocking in at 14'x47'. Single family home construction here would be somewhat challenging by right, as 30% open area is required and developers are generally looking to build homes that go 40' deep. So it was our expectation that those zoning notices would relate to that problem. But we were wrong! Instead, the developers are looking to build a pair of duplexes here, surely with the goal of renting out apartments.

We have no idea how the neighbors have responded to this idea, but from a zoning standpoint it's a pretty significant ask. On the other hand, if nobody living nearby cares, perhaps the plan will skate by at the ZBA. On the other other hand, more units means more people means more cars means people living nearby probably care quite a bit.

Assuming duplexes, or at the very least new homes get built here, perhaps other developers will be inspired to consider Daly Street for future projects.

Additional lots on Daly Street

As you can see, there are several additional development opportunities to be found.