Years ago, we brought you to the 1300 block of N. Palethorp St. and told you about a new home under construction in a bit of a DIY situation. The owner didn't hire a builder, he was instead building the home on nights and weekends in his spare time. We're not sure how long the project took to complete, but we're pleased to say it looks like it's all done. Just to the south, a new project looms on the horizon, though this time we suspect professionals will be taking care of the construction.

In the past

Current view

As you can see, at 1314-16 N. Palethorp St., a cinderblock wall and an old garage have been demolished. Keystone Group LLC bought the properties about a year ago, and looking at an old listing it looks like the southern parcel was previously home to a swimming pool. Interestingly, as you can see in the second photo (and as a reader was kind enough to tell us about), the demolition has revealed what looks like a sign for the auto detailing place that may or may not still be in operation next door. Not as cool as a swimming pool, but still.

Soon, the developers will be putting up two homes on this block, which sits just a little over a block away from Girard, just a little bit further from Frankford Avenue, and is pretty much surrounded by one-off development. And then there's the larger projects in the area, slowly but surely coming into focus. Little projects like this are just as important as those bigger projects in changing the face of South Kensington.